
The Healing Anointing

Hagin, Kenneth E. (Kirjailijaesittely)

Receive What Belongs to You!

Many believers understand ithe operation of faith and the role it must play in receiving healing or other blessings outlined in the Word. But too few understand the operation of the healing anointing or the healing power of God and the role it plays in divine healing.

In this book, Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin explains the similarities of electricity - natural power - and the supernatural healing power of God. Both of these powers operate effectively and benefit mankind through his understanding of the laws that govern them.

For example, did you know that the healing anointing:

-Is transmitted through various methods, one of which is the laying on of hands?

-Works in conjunction with a person's faith of effect the desired result?

-Is powerful enough to drive out sickness and disease and destroy any yoke of bondage in a person's life?

Learn how to cooperate with the healing power of God - and receive what belongs to you!



18,00 €






140 x 215 mm


RHEMA Bible Church

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